Friday, July 29, 2016

Breaking Free of Food Addiction - Comfort Keepers Silicon Valley

Yes, food addiction is not just a fancy term to define one’s craving for certain types of sugary, salty and tasty food. It is a reality that works just like any other drug addiction; be it cocaine or tobacco. However, it is comparatively lesser in degree of being addictive and hence easier to get rid of.

Food addiction can be very harmful for your health and well-being. However, as we gradually reach our declining years eating controlled and eating healthy becomes essential for healthy and happy living. Food addiction can prove to be a very problematic an issue in this regard for seniors and caregivers alike.

We all know this; and yet we often feel drawn towards unhealthy, high fat, and sweet and salty but tasty food items. In Spite of knowing that a healthy diet contains fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy amount of protein, ever and again we feel like relishing that cream pie, pastry or the chocolate bar! And to some people the drive becomes simply uncontrollable. That’s when it becomes a full grown food addiction.

Now let us have a look at the science behind it.

In old times when our ancestors were always on the lookout for food and discoveries of newer edibles then someday they got upon the realization that sweet things, like berries, are very helpful in giving quick energy whereas other fat packed food items released energy at a slower pace.

This very discovery led the present day food manufacturers to cash in from processing food with higher levels of sugar, fat, and salt to increase the taste and the effect that berries offered to our ancestors.

But what exactly going on in your mind when you are taking these sweet and salty but tasty food that you crave for so much?

The fact is simply eating such things manipulates with the pleasure center of the mind and increases the release of the feel good hormone called dopamine. Just the same way any drugs, more or less, does the same. In this way you are gradually getting addicted to the over release of the happy hormones; and whenever you are not feeling good or just simply want to feel good you just can’t keep yourself away from taking those food items.

Another dangerous issue with this is that, with time, if one continues giving in to these impulses of taking highly palatable, high fat and high sugar foods then gradually the Prefrontal Cortex of our brain will get damaged. As a result the person will find it even more difficult to resist those impulses.

But all these effects can very well be reversed with some practice and determination. Now, let’s see how you can break free from your food addiction to make healthy eating habits and to reach higher levels of wellness.


The first thing or step that you have to take is to adopt the techniques of mindfulness. In this regard meditation is the best practice. Simply begin with 5-10 minutes of sitting in a quiet place and trying to calm your mind.

Focus on your breath as you breathe in and out. Let your thoughts diffuse in the silence of your mental being. Keep an unfaltering attention on breathing and keep doing this longer and longer as you progress towards achieving the total silence of the mind.

Through this your mind will be much more stronger to fight unwanted impulses like those of food addiction and you will be able to better direct your own will into each and every sphere of your existence such as diet control, regular exercise and others. And most importantly there’s no age limit to start meditating and being benefitted from it. We always encourage positive meditative practices from Comfort Keepers Silicon Valley and our loved seniors can start meditating from right now.

Focused Eating

After that try to focus and give full attention to healthy eating. Eat peacefully giving enough time to appreciate the beauty of eating. While eating look at your food, take smell and eat slowly and carefully feeling the taste more intensely than you normally used to do. Doing this will allow the happy hormones to get released, even if you are not taking those sugary and fatty foods.

Include foods rich in lean protein, fiber and low in fat. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables. You can try adding smoothies made out of milk and banana or other fruits to soothe away the extra cravings for sweet. Add Avocado, sesame seeds and spinach to your diet as they help in releasing dopamine.

Have Proper Exercise

There is no end of benefits to have from regular physical exercises. Even in the declining years having regular exercise helps in increasing active brain cells and circuits.

You don’t have to have any detailed course of practices and have to set a list of rigorous exercises to be benefitted by physical exercise. Depending on the condition of our loved senior even a regular walk down the park is enough to bestow the innumerable benefits of regular exercise.

Therefore, have adequate amount and types of exercises depending upon your physical condition. Try to include jogging, running and swimming, if you can manage. However, simply walking and a bit of stretching exercises may go a long way in ensuring fit, healthy and happy life. Besides, a simple workout will also help in producing happy hormones, increasing quality of life and repairing your prefrontal cortex.

So, now you know that food addiction is as real as any other addiction and it can be as much dangerous as those others. It is high time you took preventive measures against the dangers of food addiction. You have to acknowledge that to effectively deal with food addiction it’s not only foods that you are changing but it will definitely entail making some positive lifestyle changes and changes in your mental and bodily existence. You may also have to bring changes among the people you associate with or the places you visit for a time being in order to avail extra assistance to resist the impulses of food addiction.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Coping with Sundowning - Comfort Keepers Silicon Valley

Do you have a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s? Then you have probably noticed that the symptoms they are suffering from due to Alzheimer’s often intensifies during twilights and evenings. Symptoms like agitation, confusion and others starts to worsen even from the late afternoons. Exactly this is what is known as sundowning.

Sundowning is a very common phenomenon with seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s. It is a situation when the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, such as confusion, agitation, personality disorders, etc. intensify with the going down of the sun and it often becomes more difficult for the person suffering from it to calm down.

Behaviors related with sundowning can be both verbal and physical. Mostly it occurs suddenly with no apparently visible reasons. But the causes can be understood with a little bit of guided attention. Although such situations are difficult to cope with but knowing some related aspects and following some simple strategies and suggestions from Comfort Keepers Silicon Valley Alzheimer’s Care Services will help. Read on to know more:

Risk Factors for Increased Sundowning

●     Mental and physical exhaustion that often accompanies the end of the day.
●     Due to reduced light during late afternoon shadows increase and this causes confusion for seniors with Alzheimer’s as they often find it difficult to interpret what they see.
●     Upset in the biological clock or the circadian rhythm. A mix-up in the internal body clock causes a biological confusion between day and night.
●     During these times of the day seniors with Alzheimer’s often feel disoriented because they often confuses reality with dream in their minds.
●     Sudden change in the daily routine.
●     Any sort of cues of frustration from the caregivers and the people around them.

Strategies and Suggestions for Coping with Sundowning

●     Follow the Same Routine
Changes in the daily routine is often seen to be the cause of frustration and anger for our loved seniors with Alzheimer’s. Any new place, food or activity may make them feel disoriented and cause confusion. Hence, it is likely to increase the possibility of sundowning. So, stick to the tried and tested proceedings for the days; and even if you have to change the routine make it roll out slowly with bits of small changes at a time.

●     Keep It Well Lighted
Light up all the bulbs during the late afternoons. Consider increasing the sources of light in your residence and rooms where our loved seniors are likely to be. It has been tested and proven that seniors kept in well lighted places exhibit much lesser effect of sundowning.

●     Stay Active in the Early Hours of the Day
Plan physically engaging activities for our loved seniors during the early hours of the day but avoid the same activities during later hours. Try to avoid daytime napping and too much resting during the day. This will help them to be calmer during the twilights and evenings as well as help them to sleep better at nights.

●     Keep It Comfortable and Familiar
Keep the surroundings around them comfortable for our loved seniors. Use adequate amount of pillows and blankets to comfort them; and keep all the familiar objects and the things they love near them. Place family photos where they will be most visible. Consider playing soothing music in the background.

●     Distressing Tasks
Avoid doing any tasks that may possibly make them agitated in any manner. Activities like reading books or watching TV may become difficult to follow at times and thus increase the agitation and confusion. Always plan soothing and destressing tasks to do with them during these later hours of the day.

●     Careful Eating
Avoid any kind of stimulants like alcohol, caffeine and heavy dinner during the later hours of the day. These things can increase sundowning quite easily. Our loved seniors can enjoy these foods and heavy meals during lunch and earlier but no later than that. Always let them have light snacks during evenings and light foods during dinner.

●     Identifying Triggers
Keep a close attention on the factors, events or situations that are causing our loved seniors with Alzheimer’s to become agitated or confused. Write them down. Keep a track of all these triggers and try to avoid them in future.

●     Care for the Caregivers
Taking care for the seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s or any other form of dementia is a very demanding job. It needs constant level of attention and high levels of energy and enthusiasm. So, continuous caring may very easily drain or exhaust caregivers. So, caring for the caregivers or caregivers being mindful of their own well-being is no less an important factor in this regard. Because seniors with Alzheimer’s are very sensitive and even a mild vibration of annoyance or irritation from the part of the caregiver will only worsen sundowning.

Alzheimer’s can be very much of an overwhelming a condition for the seniors as well as the families suffering from it. And sundowning can only make it worse. Hence, to help you with these situations Comfort Keeper have Alzheimer’s care services and respite care services that provide quality care for our loved seniors with dementia and their families. So, for any help and support contact Comfort Keepers Silicon Valley right away!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Some Unknown Risk Factors for Heart Diseases - Comfort Keepers Silicon Valley

There are some very well known risk factors for heart diseases, like- diabetes, family history, smoking, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. These are called the “Big Five” when it comes to defining the risk factors for coronary events.

But there are some other risk factors that are not much known to us yet it doesn’t mean that they are less dangerous than the ones listed in the big five. Here we will know about those lesser known risk factors so that we can make ourselves as well as our loved ones aware of them and be safe as we reach our declining years.

Rush Eating

Whether you are having one of those take away packages in a hurry while driving to work or shoving down that sandwich before the meeting that you have to attend in five minutes; you are eating in a rush. Eating in a rush increases the danger of developing heart diseases. It won’t matter much once in awhile, if you are really in a hurry. But if it turns out to be a commonly recurrent phenomenon with you then you need to put a check on it. When you are eating on the go you are missing out the de-stressing factors that are inherent in the act of eating psychologically. Moreover, while eating like this way, you will notice that you are probably having an unbalanced diet and unhealthy food most of the time. So, all these factors related to rush eating combine to make up a potential risk factor for coronary diseases.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

This is applicable specifically to men. If you had early sexual dysfunction in your life than you also have to worry about the health of your heart. As erectile dysfunctions occur due to inadequate blood supply to the pelvic regions it may also be due to a silent heart disease or any other vascular diseases. However, most of us are not aware of this fact that ED can also be a potential risk factor for coronary diseases.



Surprised? Don’t be because reports indicate that there is a sharp increase in the rates of getting heart diseases for women after menopause. However, what causes this spike in heart diseases in women after menopause is still unknown but it is a sure indication that menopause can be seen as a potential risk factor for heart diseases in women. The risk almost doubles, if the factor of high blood pressure is also involved with it, as almost fifty percent of American women develop high blood pressure while reaching their 60s. This is a huge number! So, there is no alternative to be health conscious from right now!

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a specific problem when the person suffering from it experiences pauses in breathing while they are asleep. This condition is mostly associated with a condition called atrial fibrillation (AF) that means irregularity in heartbeats. And, it has been suggested by various experts that if not treated timely individuals with AF will go on to developing a stroke or other coronary diseases. So, sleep apnea is a very active risk factor for you to develop heart diseases in the near future. However, sleep apnea is very much curable; and if you have it you should consider getting assessed and treated by your nearby expert physician as soon as possible.


High Level of Triglycerides

High cholesterol level is listed as one of the top five risk factors for heart diseases. But while checking out the level of cholesterol, very often we only focus upon the level of LDL/HDL and generally tend to ignore the level of triglycerides. Higher levels of triglycerides in our blood has been found to be the reason for developing heart disease and stroke in many cases. So, high level of triglycerides is one of those lesser known risk factors for heart diseases. However, you can very effectively control the level of triglycerides in your blood by decreasing the consumption of carbohydrates and increasing the intake of omega 3s.

Earlobe Creases

It has been from a long time ago that earlobe creases had been associated with increased risk of developing heart diseases. But this issue was on the borderline of being a myth from a fact. But with the development of modern medical science there came various studies on the subject that finally could discern an undeniable connection of earlobes creases with increased risk of heart diseases. Although there aren’t any fully convincing and developed theory to explain why it happens so but denying it altogether is no longer an option. So, if you have earlobe crease do not panic; take proactive measures and make positive lifestyle changes to prevent the onset of any coronary diseases.

Always remember that it is never too late to positively change your lifestyle. So, whenever you notice any one of the risk factors discussed above in yourself or any one of your loved ones start adopting necessary preventive measures right away! Consult with a specialist to know what are the things that you have to do and what are the guidelines that you have to follow. Above all direct considerable amount of your time, energy and attention on the prevention of heart diseases through necessary lifestyle changes and other measures.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Caring for a Cancer Surviving Senior - Comfort Keepers Silicon Valley

Knowing to care for a cancer surviving senior is quite essential for every professional caregiver as more than 80% of cancer survivors are over 60 years of age. As of 2014 more than 14.5 million people were estimated to be cancer survivors. But who are cancer survivors?

Cancer survivors are those who have been diagnosed with cancer and have been living with it for quite some time now. Due to advancement in the diagnosis, screening and treatment technologies and facilities for many of the major cancer types more and more people with cancer are being able to live much longer now. So, with time the number of seniors fighting with cancer will also increase and so will the need of qualified caregivers providing care to them.

Hence, we had come up with this post containing educative content about caring for seniors who are cancer survivors.

Setting the Expectations Right

Although it is true that cancer patients are surviving more years than before but still the average years of survival is only five from the date of diagnosis. The length of survival depends on the type of cancer and on the stage when it has been diagnosed.

More than 85% of patients diagnosed with prostate, breast and skin cancer cross at least the five year boundary. More than 50% of patients diagnosed with leukemia, a type of blood cancer, also live beyond five years from diagnosis. A few other types of cancers like pancreatic and liver cancer have comparatively lower rates of survival. These types of cancer are also those which are naturally diagnosed at a more developed stage, hence treatments do not become much effective.

Although it would never be wise to determine any one’s life expectancy but from the above data we can at least have a general graph of where we and our loved ones may be standing.

Age and Health Are Prominent Factors

The length of survival for a senior fighting with cancer may largely depend upon the age and some other health conditions. It becomes complicated to administer treatment to seniors already having health issues, like diabetes and other heart diseases, while managing these conditions at the same time.

Moreover, elders have a slower rate of metabolism that makes the breakdown and absorption of the drugs slower than the younger people. This naturally affects the treatment efficacy and tolerance of medicines. Seniors often may find it harder to tolerate higher doses of chemotherapy, radiation and other treatment procedures adopted in treating cancer patients.

Post Treatment Situation

The period after cancer treatment is the most crucial period for the caregiver. Because during this post treatment period the survivor faces many issues and critical situations when the care and support from a caregiver can prove to be very much helpful and therapeutic.

After treatment one of the most common problem is the stress that our beloved seniors may feel. Stress of various worries like how to follow the release plan, when to follow up, what else can be done to keep the cancer away, etc. This problems can be very easily dealt with by having an expert caregiver from Comfort Keepers Silicon Valley.

Some senior survivors may find it difficult to cope up with the difference in their bodies and lifestyles after treatment. Differences like scars from the operation, changes in bladder and bowel movement, recurrent pain and fatigue that often result from cancer treatment. Many survivors also have to cope with the changed dynamics of their relationships with friends and family members.

With all these problems a caregiver can render immense help and support to our senior survivors through their constant companionship and care. 

Planning for What to Come

After a cancer treatment there arises the need to make some changes and to take some vital decisions. Some positive lifestyle changes have to be established to prevent the recurrence of the disease and to become gradually happier and healthier. Besides, having proper knowledge of the present condition from the specialists is also necessary to expect what may come.

Cancer has been one of the deadliest diseases of all time in all of human history. However, it has been a great achievement that now we are gradually becoming more and more capable in fighting this dangerous disease. We can certainly expect that in near future we will become equipped to fight cancer even more effectively. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Things to Know about Anxiety Disorders in Seniors - Comfort Keepers Silicon Valley

Tension or anxiety is a characteristic part of our ordinary life. We regularly feel on edge for different reasons and it is particularly typical to feel anxious before you settle on any critical choices, or take a test or face a meeting and so forth. It is even characteristic to feel restless for your family and companions' wellbeing and security. Be that as it may, this anxiety has another side to it when it starts without any reason and transforms into a turmoil.
Nervousness issues are one of the regular issues that our adored seniors face in their declining years and most of them find that it’s extremely hard to battle against this tormenting peculiarity. Despite the fact that anxiety disorder are more regular in younger grown-ups than seniors, reports proposes that at present 15% of our seniors are experiencing different types of anxiety disorders. In this way, spreading mindfulness about these issue is vital. This post is one of such awareness building exertions from Comfort Keepers Silicon Valley. Here we will talk about anxiety disorders, its types, manifestations, causes, risk factors and treatment alternatives.

Types and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

There are fundamentally three sorts of anxiety disorders. They are talked about below:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Everyone stresses over wellbeing, cash, family, connections etc. It is very much normal. But generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is the most widely recognized type of anxiety disorder when the individual experiencing it loses control over his or her level of nervousness. The individual gets to be restless about everyday general matters notwithstanding when there aren't any issues to be on the edge about. For this situation the individual may think that it’s extremely hard to proceed with their typical life. What's more, this may influence each and every circle of their life seriously.

Social Phobia
This is a particular kind of anxiety disorder when the individual enduring it stays exceptionally on the edge about social interactions and things identified with it. They turn out to be particularly perplexed of meeting other individuals in apprehension of mortification, humiliation and so forth. Despite realizing that their trepidation is nonsensical they just basically can't control it. For persons experiencing this type of tension issue social life may even turn out to be verging on unthinkable and they would by and large locate some straightforward assignments like going to work, meeting with companions, running errands and so forth exceptionally troublesome.

Panic Disorder
This is an exceptionally unique sort of an anxiety disorder when the individual experiencing it feels panicky with no reason and with no earlier sign. While the fit of anxiety happens the individual may feel awfully perplexed, unnerved and may feel like there's an approaching doom upon them. They even feel their heart beating faster and they often have a sense of losing control.

Causes and Risk Factors of Anxiety Disorders
There aren't any particular reasons for anxiety disorders. However hereditary qualities is the fundamental danger component. In the event that it keeps running in the family than there are more odds of developing anxiety issues. Be that as it may, for the most part it is impractical to decide why one individual winds up developing it and others don't. In the declining years anxiety issues likewise develop alongside different issues like depression, heart ailments, diabetes and some other medical conditions. To treat anxiety disorders effectively often it gets to be important to treat these conditions in advance.

Treatment Alternatives
Nervousness Disorders are treatable conditions. Different sorts of drugs are accessible to treat anxiety issues and psychotherapy is additionally being utilized as a part of treatment in numerous cases. The most widely recognized sorts of prescriptions that are utilized to treat anxiety disorders are antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and beta-blockers. In any case, these solutions are not yet equipped for fully expelling anxiety disorders. They can just diminish the side effects to a specific degree and halting these measurements for the most part prompts continual of the side effects. Now and again a blend of medication and psychotherapy turns out to be exceptionally viable. Psychotherapy generally incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Exposure based treatment, Group Therapy, and some different methodologies. Most importantly it can be said that through viable prescription, treatment and therapies anxiety disorders are treatable and ordinary way of life can be kept up after treatment.

Along these lines, at whatever point you feel like one of your precious ones is demonstrating side effects of any of the types of anxiety disorders examined above make no deferral in counseling an expert to take important remedial measures as right on time as would be prudent. And for any additional watch over our cherished seniors don't dither to contact Comfort Keepers Cupertino or San Mateo offices!